The GST-System is made up of components which communicate over a network by using open standards defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and others. That is why each component can be used separately. Besides the database extension a web service and user clients belong to GST. More information about GST can be found in information.
The third release of GST includes:
- GST Storage – The storage manager for your geomodels coming from your 3D environment
- GST for PostgreSQL
- GST for Oracle
- GST Web – Easy deployment of your models to others.
- GST Desktop – Organizes your projects.
- GTT – GST Transfer Tool, allows to copy data between two ro more GST instances.
- GST Py – A Python API in order to work with GST from 3rd party software like ArcGIS.
Fill out the contact form to get further information or requesting test license optimized for you.
We know: using standards can make life easier, but who wants to live a standard life. GiGa infosystems offers the integration of GST into your environment. In order to meet your specific needs, we are supporting your workflows by extending our software to your needs.
Our service includes an installation, update and product support – on-site and remote.
If you have any more detailed questions about the system or pricing please contact