GST User Meeting 2017

Thank you for attending the GST User Meeting 2017 in Freiberg on 15th March 2017.

We had quite fruitful discussion about possible changes of the web viewing tool. We thank you for your input.

We had also the possibility to gain an extented insight into the usage of GST at Swisstopo. Thank you Roland for providing these details. You can find his presentation Die Rolle von GST in der geologischen 3D-Modellierung @ swisstopo — Roland Baumberger, Swisstopo here.

You can find the presentation by Paul Gabriel about the changes within 2016 and 2017 and beyond here.

GiGa infosystems will hold a webinar to inform you about the changes within 2017 in autumn 2017.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at or use our contact form.

We are looking forward to welcome you to the user meeting 2018 which will be held in March/April 2018. The actual place and time where and when this meeting is going to take place will be announced early in advance.