Release of GST 3.8

September 14, 2021 9:27 am Veröffentlicht von

Welcome to release 3.8 of GST. This time we only have a few, albeit impactful, additions for you. The team is proud to present support for textured geometries, elevation grids and (finally) stratigraphic grids (SGrids).

Furthermore small tweaks have been made to how properties are handled and, as usual, a couple of bugs have been eliminated under the hood. Have a look at this blog post to learn more about each individual feature or let us know what you think about these changes on Twitter @GiGaInfosystems or send us an email ( or use our contact form.

If you would like to try it out, we invite you to head over to our Demo at

Display of several volumetric slices of a stratigraphical grid (SGRID) in a web browser in 3d.

Textured Geometries

This release adds support for textures for Pointsets, Linesets, Triangulated Surfaces and Elevation Grids. After marking a feature class to hold „Textured Geometries“, the user will be required to provide a texture and texture coordinates which will then be visualized in GST Web.

A texture draped onto a triangulated feature.

Apart from the utilization of a WMS allows this feature to store maps alongside the objects within GST Server. Moreover it gives you more control of how each vertex, line and triangle should be coloured to transport more information with your 3d models to the viewer.

Texture draped onto a triangulated feature with an intersection.

Elevation Grids

GSurfs from Gocad, which are objects similar to a triangulated mesh with a regular, gridded pattern, can now be uploaded into GST. For this purpose, a new feature class semantic „Elevation Grid“ that works together with a Regular Grid has been introduced. After an elevation grid has been uploaded, it can be visualized and intersected in GST Web.

Display of an elevation grid in 3d.

Stratigraphic Grids

It is finally possible to upload and download structured grids (SGrids) created with SKUA/Gocad. A new feature class type has been added for this format. The visualization in GST Web uses options known from regular grids and offers many possibilities to explore these grids. Intersections are supported as well.

Display of several slices of the V axis of an SGrid at the same time.
Display of one slice of the U, V and W axis at the same time.
Display of a cross section through an SGrid.

Improvements to property handling

  • The alignment, vertex or cell, can now be set per property.
  • Less restrictive type matching, match float with integer and integer with float.

GST Changes

  • 2D Grids (Elevation Grids/GSurfs)
  • Stratigraphical Grids (SGrids)
  • Textured Geometries
  • STL Parser

GST Web Changes

  • SGrid support in frontend
  • Default views for 3d boreholes
  • Default settings for 3d boreholes can be set by webadmin
  • Several bugfixes
  • Support of Gocad format and IFC as intersection input